Ffmpeg wasm slower than asm
Ffmpeg wasm slower than asm

ffmpeg wasm slower than asm

To do my due diligence, though, I wanted to see how much things speed up when I export our test game in wasm. I saw Mozilla's announcement that they plan to release it in March 2017. So, I've been crossing my fingers for wasm support so that I'm not forced to figure out a different platform to make games in. Considering many of our Flash games (what we want to migrate from) take < 1 second to load, this is unacceptable. This is due to the huge amount of code bloat that is the Unity engine. Currently, things aren't looking good – even on very fast computers, there is a 5+ second load time for an empty Unity project.

ffmpeg wasm slower than asm

My company is trying to evaluate the feasibility of using Unity for web game development.

Ffmpeg wasm slower than asm